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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Go-To Album 2

Spaces - Larry Coryell

Some personnel shared with Go-To Album 1 - namely Corea and McLaughlin, who once again only play on a few tracks together - "Chris" on the original album, and "Tyrone" on the Planet End album from the same recording sessions.

I won't even try describing the sounds on this album - it is for many, including myself, everything a fusion album should be, with none of the trappings. No overindulgence, no self-importance - just some seriously well thought out and executed music that seems to flow effortlessly and liberally, in spite of the prowess shown by all. Once you've heard it and gotten to know it - you'll be spoiled and want to find a whole bunch more albums just like it; but there are nearly none, making it all the more precious.

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